Helena Glazed - Quartz Rose
The clay pearling along Helena’s top edge gives this pot a soft and classic look.
North of Rome lies the small town of Di Bolzena, a place once filled with potters and the home of Robert Rosso. Taking inspiration from ancient Greek Designs, Rosso created the Helena Pot, which was popular throughout the 1800s. There’s been a recent rebirth of interest in the classic design, and Tuscan potters are now making it again.
Just outside of Copenhagen, in the historic fishing village of Dragør, there is a unique interplay between the blue sea, the ornate houses and the shiny green gates of the paved avenues. It is this enchanting color combination that inspires our glazed pots, jars and vases. Berg potters glaze is saturated with intense color, accentuating the nuances between our different types of pots. Each pot, jar and vase is glazed the old-fashioned way, individually and by hand. Like Berg’s raw herb pots, the sturdy glazes and timeless colors signal that pots Glazed by Bergs are made to last for generations to come. Quality will always be classic. This pot has a draining hole and comes with a saucer.