Bergs Potter

During one of the bleakest periods of World War II, Victor Berg inherited a ceramics shop on Rantzausgade in the Nørrebro neighborhood of Copenhagen. Victor, an eager young accountant, wanted to bring a bit of life and color into the war-depressed lives of his fellow Copenhageners. He decided the best way to do so would be to add flowers to the shop. The unique combination of fresh flowers and aged ceramics soon made the store a popular place to visit and shop.
Copenhagen - Terracotta Pottery Bergs Potter
Helena Pot - Terracotta Pot Bergs Potter
Copenhagen - Green Emerald Pottery Bergs Potter
Copenhagen - Grey Pottery Bergs Potter
Julie - Terracotta Pottery Bergs Potter
Simona - Terracotta Pottery Bergs Potter
Saucer - Bergs Potter Terracotta Saucer Bergs Potter
Helena Pot - Grey Pot Bergs Potter
Emilia - Terracotta Pottery Bergs Potter
Copenhagen - Yellow Amber Pottery Bergs Potter
Julie - Grey Pottery Bergs Potter
Simona - Green Emerald Pottery Bergs Potter
Parade - Terracotta Pottery Bergs Potter
Copenhagen - Blue Petrolium Pottery Bergs Potter
Simona - Grey Pottery Bergs Potter
Emilia - Grey Pottery Bergs Potter
Elizabeth - Terracotta - Cigale &  Fourmi
Daisy - Terracotta Pot Bergs Potter
Simona - Yellow Amber Pottery Bergs Potter
Parade - Grey Pottery Bergs Potter
Erbe - Grey Pottery Bergs Potter
Julie - Green Emerald Pottery Bergs Potter
Honey - Green Emerald Vase/Pot Bergs Potter
Copenhagen - Pearl Grey - Cigale &  Fourmi
Helena Glazed - Quartz Rose - Cigale &  Fourmi
The Hoff Pot - Grey - Cigale &  Fourmi
Misty - Green Emerald Vase Bergs Potter
Galestro - Grey Pottery Bergs Potter
Erbe - Terracotta Pottery Bergs Potter
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